Fresh Flower Bouquet - Novia Pink Roses (White Wrapper) - 33/50/99 Roses
Featuring sweet pink roses from America complemented with eucalyptus leaves. Wrapped in white matte wrapping paper and white polka dot mesh this classic round-shaped bouquet is designed in a spiral arrangement to create an elegant pink rose bouquet.
You can choose a bouquet of 33 roses to say your love will live through 3 lives and 3 generations; 50 roses to tell someone that you are unconditionally in love and without regrets; 99 roses to express the kind of love that would last a lifetime.
Made with fresh flowers
Longevity: around one week
Perfect gift for Valentine's Day, wedding proposal, anniversary and birthday
Product height: 55cm
Product weight: 1.35kg, 2.85kg, 4.5kg
Blooms: Novia Pink Roses and small eucalyptus leaves
Fresh flower Care Tips:
1. Add or change water regularly, add appropriate amount of flower food powder if necessary.
2. Store the bouquet in a dry and cool place. Avoid direct sunlight.
3. Do not place the flower bouquet near fruits, plants and electric appliances.
4. Remove the blossoms that have begun to wilt.
5. Trim the stems upon changing water.
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